• Urban Occupation III, Herten, September 12, 2018, 6–7 p.m.
  • Uhlandstrasse, near no. 124, 45699 Herten
    Marie Seeger (juggling)
    Thomas Dürrfeld (juggling)
    Hannes Lingens (music)
    Katrin Wegemann (choreography)

Two jugglers and one musician enter into an extraordinary interplay in an unexpected place. Clubs fly through the air, suggesting artful figures and images that interact and correspond with live musical sounds. All this follows a precisely worked choreography developed by the artist Katrin Wegemann with the jugglers Marie Seeger and Thomas Dürrfeld and the musician Hannes Lingens for the project Urban Occupation III, initiated by the Kultursekretariat NRW. The performance takes place between the building sites at Backumer Bach and Resser Bach, between the towns of Herten and Recklinghausen.
The building site, with its diggers and bulldozers, head-high concrete pipes and piles of earth, serves both as a thematic link and an impressive backdrop for the three-part audiovisual performance, which refers to past developments, current potential for action, and future perspectives between the poles of urban environment and configured nature.

Photo(s): Roland Baege (2, 5-9), Rainer Lange (1,3-4)
